Tuesday, May 19, 2009

all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to if you seek amy

That title has nothing to do with this post. I just really like that song.

So I had an idea. I had the idea to do an all-accessory Polyvore. OOH META

The most "I Need This Now Or I Will Have Five Kittens Out Of My Butt" thing on that is probably the boombox bag, IT HAS WORKING SPEAKERS YOU GUYS

Or the G Harajuku Lovers perfume. I already have Lil' Angel, but I'm running low.

Oh, and the Sheep Scandal 2009? You'll see. In due time. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Fashionizzle said...

that umbrella is adorable. an umbrella with a trim is a wonderful idea! :)


Fashionizzle said...

thanks for the comment! i totally know what you mean by it haha...i bought a Chanel bag last year and i never carry it because I feel like I need to carry really important stuff/use it for very special occasions only!
